Interface: FromJsonOptions


Options for the fromJson function


Table of contents




Optional allowEntries: boolean

Whether to allow literal children to be encoded into values or properties

Defaults to true. This value can be defined specifically for arrays, objects, or the root node.

Defined in



Optional allowEntriesInArrays: boolean

Whether to allow literal items in the array to be encoded as values on a node

If set to false, all array items will be encoded as children.

If set to true, all leading literal values of arrays will be encoded as node values instead.

The default value is the value of allowEntries, which in turn defaults to true.

Defined in



Optional allowEntriesInObjects: boolean

Whether to allow literal properties in the object to be encoded as property on a node

If set to false, all node properties will be encoded as children.

If set to true, all properties with literal values of objects will be encoded as node properties instead. Note that this changes the order of properties, which are assumed not to matter in JSON.

The default value is the value of allowEntries, which in turn defaults to true.

Defined in



Optional allowEntriesInRoot: boolean

Whether to allow literal children to be encoded as values or properties on the root node

This property only has effect if the given value is an object or an array. Literal values are always encoded as values on the root node.

The default value of this option is the value of allowEntriesInArrays or allowEntriesInObjects, depending on the type of the value.

Defined in



Optional indentation: string | number

The indentation to give each nested level of node

If a string is passed, that string is used as indentation. If a number higher than zero is passed, the indentation is set to the whitespace character repeated for that number of times. If zero is passed or no indentation is given, no newlines with indentation will be inserted into the output.

Inherited from


Defined in



Optional nodeName: string

Name of the root node to create

If no name is passed, the node will be called "-".

Defined in



Optional replaceJsonValue: (key: string | number, value: unknown, originalValue: unknown) => unknown

Replacer function called for every JSON value in the data being transformed

The replacer can return any JSON value, which will be used instead of the original value. If undefined is returned, the value will be discarded.

If the originalValue had a toJSON method, it will be called and the result will be the value parameter. In all other cases value and originalValue will be the same value.


The name of the property or the index inside an array


The value being handled


The original value

Type declaration

▸ (key, value, originalValue): unknown

Replacer function called for every JSON value in the data being transformed

The replacer can return any JSON value, which will be used instead of the original value. If undefined is returned, the value will be discarded.

If the originalValue had a toJSON method, it will be called and the result will be the value parameter. In all other cases value and originalValue will be the same value.

keystring | numberThe name of the property or the index inside an array
valueunknownThe value being handled
originalValueunknownThe original value


Inherited from


Defined in



Optional replaceKdlValue: (key: string | number, value: Entry | Node, jsonValue: unknown, originalJsonValue: unknown) => undefined | Entry | Node

Replacer function called for every KDL node or entry created

The replacer can return an entry or node. If an entry is returned but an entry would not be valid in the given location, it will be transformed into a node. If undefined is returned, the value will be discarded.


The name of the property or the index inside an array


The entry or node that was created


The JSON value that was transformed into the KDL value


Type declaration

▸ (key, value, jsonValue, originalJsonValue): undefined | Entry | Node

Replacer function called for every KDL node or entry created

The replacer can return an entry or node. If an entry is returned but an entry would not be valid in the given location, it will be transformed into a node. If undefined is returned, the value will be discarded.

keystring | numberThe name of the property or the index inside an array
valueEntry | NodeThe entry or node that was created
jsonValueunknownThe JSON value that was transformed into the KDL value

undefined | Entry | Node

Inherited from


Defined in
